What Is Palm Oil
Palm oil is also known as palm fruit oil. Palm oil is said to be nature's gift to the world.

Palm Oil History
Palm oil (from the African Oil Palm, Elaeis guineensis) can be traced back to more than 5000 years ago. Palm oil was long recognized in West African countries.
Oil Palm India Ltd Welcomes You
Oil Palm India Limited was established in the year 1977 with the objective of propagating Oil Palm cultivation in the country and more particularly in Kerala. From 1983 onwards the Company started functioning as a joint venture of the Government of Kerala and Government of India with share participation of 51% and 49% respectively. The paid-up share capital of the company is Rs.11.78 Crores.

Processing Mill
The Company has established a Modern Processing Mill to process 20 MT FFB/ Hr. with a total investment cost of about Rs.20 Crores.

Oil Extraction
As part of value addition process, a new plant for producing Kernel Oil from the Palm Kernel has been set up in the factory premises at a cost of Rs.250 lakhs,

Oil Palm India Ltd. is entrusted to promote oil palm cultivation amongst the small holders in the state. The Central and State Governments

Modern Rice Mill
As part of diversification of the activities, the Company has set up a Modern Rice Mill at Vechoor, Vaikom.The mill has a capacity for processing 12000 MT